Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Scrapbooking for Preemies & Journaling About the NICU Experience.

For over two years now, I have been scrapbooking digitally to capture all of the sweet moments of my sons childhood. I keep creating pages after pages. It all began during his NICU stay. I would spent sometime 10 hours in the NICU with him, and travel home in the night with a camera loaded with images.
Sitting in front of my computers for hours, I would import all of the images and do some fabulous work with color and send them right off to Walgreens to be printed and picked up on my way into the NICU.
Here is an example of one of my favorites. Photography of premature infants are not exactly welcomed. For a Mother of a Premature Infant, it is looking beyond the tubes and seeing your heart laying in an incubator.
We tried for years to have our Son, so when I became pregnant I took about 6 different pregnancy tests just to make sure it was true. From that moment I was considered a high risk pregnancy as I had only one ovarian tube that was considered viable and close to 70% free of scar tissue. I immediately found myself at the OBGYN every month having ultra sound after ultra sound. Those images I scanned and they quickly became a part of Rowan's life story.
Prior to having Rowan, the NICU was an absolute mystery to me. I was unaware that there were actually infants struggling to survive their first moments of life. I had no prior knowledge. I guess it did not ever seem evident to me, until I left the hospital without my baby.
For the 33 days in the NICU, I was overwhelmed with a desire to bring my infant home. I really wanted to celebrate his life, and felt as though it was not a welcomed idea.
Within hours of Rowan's birth, we sent out a digital announcement and began to put his birth website together. We felt it would be a great way to communicate his progress without making so many phone calls, and having the same conversations over and over.
The website pages, I eventually copied to my computer and made them into actual pages that will be printed in his baby-life book. (I say, baby-life book, as it keeps getting bigger and bigger).
Here is an example of a NICU page that I put together.
I know how tough it is to say that you are a Mom of a Preemie. There is such a sense of failure and guilt, I know that it comes of my tongue with resistence. I have learned to just throw it out there with sometimes a surprise element in a conversation. Like, 'Oh, by the way, my son was a preemie'.
I really want Rowan to see his birth photos, and understand his struggle for life. There were moments when my husband just wanted to never look at the NICU photos again. I truly believe that I will be a better Mother knowing that the 7.5 months I carried my child, the 33 days in the NICU and the months on a monitor at home makes you think about how fragile, what a gift, and why he was given to me... every day.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Baby Announcements for the Premature Baby

If you are a parent in or out of the NICU, please take advantage of the 'Days of Gratitude'. To celebrate with the March of Dimes, Miracle Bebe and it's Made for a Miracle efforts has produced exclusive Baby Announcements for the premature infant. Celebrating the lives of children born too soon, and the families touched by prematurity, we are offering you a free digital announcement when you choose your design, email us your photo, birth date, weight, length, etc. If you would like to print on your home computers, feel free to do so. If you would like to take advantage of a great print offer, we can provide 100 announcments, 100 envelopes and free shipping for $50.
It is our intent to provide the lowest prices for families. I will truly say that this is the best price around and our designs are unique, gender specific, full color, high quality, and we have included holiday layouts as well. Please email me for more information or visit and click on 'Days of Gratitude' on the top header of the page.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

NICU Journaling and Preemie Baby Scrapbooking

'A Journey to Home' is a NICU journal and Preemie Baby Scrapbook that is meant for the first six months of life. It is a compilation of journaling pages, record-keeping, a NICU dictionary, calendars, milestones and more.
The 33 days that my son spent in the NICU were by far the longest, most difficult days of my life, and his. I pray that he will be blessed to never have to battle for his life ever again. My NICU days were complete with arrival by noon and leave around the nine or ten o'clock hour. For those 33 days, I would sit by his isolette and listen to alarms in the air while trying to occupy my time with photos of him, journaling about him, and of course scrapbooking.
I would take a little travel suitcase to the NICU everyday with scrapbooking papers, glue, elements. I would sit down, and look blankly at those pages and tear up at not knowing how to celebrate his birth on paper. I would write his story to the nurses, I would clip the headlines from the newspaper edition on his birthday, but really I was at a loss for putting it all together. After Rowan arrived home on that September day, I still continued to journal and put together a family website in which all of our relatives were able to access and read. These pages are still published and will be put into a book for him to read about his NICU successes.
After a few months went by, and Rowan came off of his apnea monitor, I began compiling a NICU journal. I found that digital scrapbooking was a favorite way for me to bring together all of my thoughts, and of course all of the photos that I had of Rowan. I sought out a fantastic digital artist who completely shared my passion. She allowed me to put her art into the NICU Journal. Lara Payton of Dusty Bear was fabulous to work with.
This NICU Journal quickly turned into a 35 page memory book for every preemie and their parents. I was able to find other resources that allowed me to include a NICU dictionary and more.
The book is full of beautiful design, in full-color. I can't boast about it enough. I am currently offering the book with free shipping at a price of $27.08. It is my intention to continue to create for the parents of the NICU, and therefore a full baby book will be hitting the market within the next year.
Rowan is fabulous! He is turning two next month, and has seen much joy in his life. He continues to thrive, although we had some scares early on. Being a mom of a preemie has marked me for life. I will never forget the experience, I will always hold my son in my arms as if never to let him go... I will treasure every milestone as it is a true miracle.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Subscribe to our Free Preemie Downloads

All downloads are for personal use only, thanks.

Subscribe to our free downloads by clicking here.

Preemie Scrapbooking Freebies - Included in our gallery is pages of NICU records, growth charts, lactation records, journaling pages, birth announcements, conversion charts, etc. Visit this page for free downloads. Print on your home printer, and embellish with photos or hand written content.

NICU Dictionary - Download our free .pdf of terms commonly used in the NICU. This beautiful dictionary is printable or for use electronically. Terms provided by and embellishments by

Preemie Clip Art & Sayings - Use these fabulous sayings and artwork on your digital scrapbooks, or print them on a page and cut to glue to your scrapbook. Adore the whole package, free.

Crochet Preemie Hat Instructions - Download our free .pdf file with photos, illustrations and written instructions on how to make crochet preemie hats. Preemie sizing chart included.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Share the Story of your Miracle Preemie!

All babies are miracles, but your preemie's story is a precious part of the healing process for other Preemie Parents going through one of the toughest battles of their lives, the fight for the life of their littlest ones. Please share the story of your Preemie on the Miracle Bebe website. We would love for you to tell us about yourself, your pregnancy, your birth story, your NICU journey, your Precious Preemie, any significant milestones, and where you both are now. Your photo and story will be shared on a website page that is dedicated to your Preemie. If you are able to share, please email me directly with your story and photos.
visit us online at:

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Journey to Home :: A NICU Journal and Preemie Baby Scrapbook

Exclusively offered only by Miracle Bebe, you will find that this NICU Journal and Preemie Baby Scrapbook is a gift for any family touched by premaurity. Thoughtfully created by myself, a 30 week Preemie Mother, this journal is 35 pages in length and features Journaling Pages, Growth Charts, NICU Photo Pages, 3 month Calendar, Daily Records, Conversion Charts, Lactation Records, NICU Contacts, Familly Tree, Tiny Hands & Feet Page, Feeding Records, Celebrations, Thoughtful Gifts, Baby and Family Care Givers, Milestones, NICU Dictionary, Going Home Goals, Going Home Checklist, Current Events, and More.
This is the one of a kind Journal and Scrapbook that is beautifully designed using Dusty Bear exclusive scrapbooking elements. This book is sold as an 8"x 6" spiral book, that fits perfectly into a baby bag. It is the journal that every NICU Mother must have. It is so fantastic, my hope is that families will enjoy this book throughout the lifetime of the Preemie.

If you should have any questions about this book, please email me directly at or visit for more information. Please see our video for page layout and examples. A Journey to Home sells for $27.08, price includes 3-5 business day shipping directly to you. All payments are securely accepted through PayPal. Immediate shipping upon payment confirmation.

A Journey to Home :: A NICU Journal & Preemie Baby Scrapbook
Created by Jessica Williams
Sold exclusively by Miracle Bebe
$27.08 (Free Shipping)
or email ::

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Made for a Miracle :: Christmas 2009

Join in our volunteer efforts and help make preemie hats, blankets, scrapbooking pages and more. If you have anything to give, give your time and your talents. In 2008, over 50 hats and blankets went to the Children’s Hospital NICU, in Omaha, Nebraska for the Christmas holiday. In 2009, over 150 hats and blankets were brought into Children’s, Bergan Mercy, and the University of Nebraska Medical Center, in Omaha, Nebraska.

Our goal is to increase distribution with each drive. We have some fabulous volunteers that continue to make more and more hats and blankets. This Christmas is our third drive and we are seeking a wider range of locations. If you are mother home from the NICU, and would like to volunteer to drop off the gifts to your NICU, please email me so that we can get the hats and blankets sent your way. Email ::

Meet some of our fabulous volunteers, coming soon!

If you are interested in becoming involved, our please email us with your contact information so that we may contact you in the near future.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Preemie Products for Mom's and Dad's

If you are a business that has provided products or services for Preemies and the families touched by prematurity, please let us know so that we may provide a link to your site on
We have grown considerably over the years, and are ready to have more resources available to our preemie parents. If you are a NICU and are interested in wholesale pricing on any of our items, such as NICU journals or more, please email me directly::

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shop Miracle Bebe on Cafe Press!

Support the ongoing efforts of Miracle Bebe by purchasing t-shirts, onesies, mugs, and baby bags from our newest shop on Cafe Press.
Find adorable gift items, or just for your family. Modestly priced and shipped directly to you! Shop Today

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Endless Resources At WWW.MIRACLEBEBE.COM

We are providing resources and products for parents of Preemies to download. Please take a look at for more information. If you are a parent or relative of a preemie and you are in a place of peace, please give thought to helping us spread information and support for those in the NICU's today.
Sign up as a volunteer, today. Email::

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Learning to Digital Scrapbook for the Preemie

I was a traditional scrapbooker who has turned to digital elements after the birth of my first son. When my son was in the NICU for 33 days, I would come home every night and turn the digital photo from the day into memories that I could use everywhere! I would print them, email them, use them in slidehows, and more. The sky was the limit. I found that the digital word gave me the freedom to do layouts fast, I could share them with more than just myself, it was cheap, and of course there was no mess. (Don't get me wrong, I love the hands-on approach, but had no time to pump and have gluey fingers!)
Digital Scrapbooking gave me the freedom that I needed, plus the enjoyment of bonding with my child in the time that I was away from him. I encourage all Mom's to try it.
There are a few challenges to digital scrapbooking and here a few great solutions.

Digital Photos::
Scan or take digital photos
equipment needed... digital camera, scanner or a Walgreens to develop the photos into digital.

A computer purchased between now and 2006 is optimal. This ensures you have the space available to store the photos, as well as the processor/ram to think about the actions that you are doing.
equipment needed... A Mac or PC computer with a 1.66 processor, 1 gb or ram and 80 gb of hard drive space.

Every digital scrapbooker has software that allows them to work with elements on a canvas. Recommened applications would be Adobe Photoshop Elements for the PC or Adobe Photoshop Elements for the Mac to others would include Apple's Pages Application, Microsoft's Publisher, Print Shop Pro or Creative Memories.
equipment needed... Software

This could be a home ink jet printer or your local photo lab (Walgreens, etc.)
equipment needed... ink jet printer or a computer to upload.

If you have a computer, without software and possibly without the system requirements to perform digital scrapbooking at this time, this is where we make it real easy. If you fear the learning curve of new software, this is where we make it even more easy.

We have pre-designed pages that you are able to download from this site to your computer, open and print. You have the ability to shop for fun papers for the ink jet, vellum (see-through sheets) or cardstock, or photo papers, and print directly onto them.
Once you have printed your layout, you can take your photos and glue to the sheets, journal on the pages or embellish as a hands-on scrapbooker.
We have many layouts to choose from, and for all Preemie needs. Baby Announcements, Lactation Records, Growth Charts, Journaling Pages, Photo Pages, Kangaroo Care, NICU Dictionary and so much more, and free.
If you are ready to try the fast approach:: visit the entire gallery of Preemie Freebies.
Click on the photo that you love, and choose the download button at the top-right of the gallery. Your download should be on the desktop when complete, or in the downloads folder on a Mac.

As this blog increases in size you will find more an more elements designed, exclusively for the families of premature infants. Please check back for your kits, soon to arrive.
One you have your computer, your software, your printer ready to go, you need kits of background papers, elements like buttons, brad and ribbons. You will find the page assemble quick and easy. Please check back soon for video tutorial guides. Coming very, very soon.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Preemie Scrapbooking and Baby Announcements

One of my favorite things to do while my son was in the NICU was to create digital scrapbook pages. Since that time, I have been working on templates that parents can easily download, print to their home printers and embellish with hand written text, photos, or any other keepsakes. I will be using this blog to post how-to tutorials and to provide links to some fabulous templates on as well as to other external sites around the internet. Please keep posted and as always, leave comments here for any needs or questions, or just for chat.
With much thought and appreciation,

About Me

My photo
Preemie Products, Services, Resources & More. The Families of Preemies can find a place of healing at MiracleBebe, please check all that we have to offer.